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One Stop Shop for Digital Solutions

Posted on 12/30/2019 at 09:00 AM

No matter what industry you’re in or what problems your clients are facing, there is no magical one-size-fits-all solution... usually. If businesses hope to compete, they must diversify the solutions they offer or get help.

Google, Apple, and Amazon (with the Zigbee Alliance) are teaming up.

You read that right. The three biggest tech giants, who rarely agree on anything, will soon be working together in the name of communication. More specifically, Human/AI communication. With the rise of voice search continuing to show no signs of slowing, The Big 3 has recognized the need for a universal language- an open standard for smart home devices.

The Modern Problem

The Internet of Things has proven to be more than a passing fad. The internet has become deeply rooted in most professional day-to-day activities. Many of us wonder how we functioned before our calendar was connected to our phone! At home, the internet has been taking over for some time now- with many consumers finding value in the convenience and comfort that their Connected Home provides. The problem is that there currently is no standard for all your smart products to talk to each other, let alone your virtual assistant. This means that the way your security system communicates with Alexa is likely different, if not all together incompatible with Siri. The same can be said for your television, fire alarms, and even your refrigerator.

The Modern Solution

The answer is something called “The Connected Home Over IP Project”. The idea is that a standardized communication protocol would simplify development for device manufacturers and make buying easier for consumers, thanks to a guaranteed compatibility.

According to a recent press release from Apple, the Connected Home Over IP Project would mean “a new, royalty-free connectivity standard to increase compatibility among smart home products, with security as a fundamental design tenet.”

The teams behind the project plan to use an open-source approach for developing and implementing the new, unified protocol with a focus on security and ease-of-use.

What About Diversification?

Apple, Google, and Amazon employ the best and brightest. They came to understand that the way things are means that without proper cross-product/solution communication, consumers are left confused and often turned off to the whole connected home concept. This means lost revenue for everyone.

Businesses often focus on what they are good at and assume that everything else will work itself out (hint: it never does). Rather than ignoring or assuming nothing can be done, businesses need to recognize what they are good at and what they need help with. For example, your business may be exceptional at producing widgets and gizmos, but gadgets- not so much. If your core consumers demand all three, you need to either spend the time and money on R&D to create gadgets or partner with someone who has a proven record of success in the gadget industry. There is no shame in becoming a reseller or certified partner!

What about promoting your new gadgets? Is marketing a strength or weakness in your firm? Perhaps the best method of promotion is a new website, a full digital marketing campaign, or awesome branding! The only way to know the best possible strategy is to speak with experts who can offer you advice.

Sometimes everything you need is under one roof. Checking with your strategic partners to see what other solutions they provide is usually a great place to start. If you have established, trusted business relationships, it’s a good idea to lean on them and see how they can help!

But Wait, There’s More!

On a completely unrelated note, did you know that Global Reach offers so much more than Award-Winning Web Development? Our clients have come to see us as their one-stop-shop for the following services and more!

  • Digital Marketing

    • Search Engine Marketing

    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    • Social Media Marketing

    • Ongoing Reporting and Consulting

  • IT Support

    • Desktop & Network Support

    • Back-up & Disaster Recovery

    • Business Network Services

    • Hardware Security Solutions

  • Hosting & VPS

    • Premier VPS Hosting

    • Cloud Hosting

    • E-Mail Hosting

    • A Massive Data Center

  • Graphic Design

    • Expert Execution

    • Ads, Sales Campaigns, Newsletters, Brochures, Posters, Banners, Digital Graphics, and more

    • Corporate Identity

    • Illustration

  • Website Accessibility

    • WCAG 2.1 Testing & Managed Services

See? We told you we understand one solution doesn’t fit all, but having the right partner might help you find all the solutions you are looking for!

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