Global Reach

Recently Launched Websites Fall 2020

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Image of four featured websites designed in October 2020 by Global Reach

Posted on 10/28/2020 at 03:33 PM

"Building the Internet, One Website at a Time."

At Global Reach, we view the internet as a catalyst to propel businesses forward with new ways to connect with their target audience. We take pride in connecting our clients with web solutions and various digital marketing strategies that meet their unique needs. The teams at Global Reach take time to really understand the vision, brand, and message that each client wants to convey with their website and various marketing efforts.

Whether that means a quick, cost-efficient template design (customized with a client's brand colors and content) or a tailor-made solution with top-of-the-line design and state-of-the-art functionality, we work rigorously to ensure our clients get everything they need from their website. 

2020 has been a year unlike any other. The coronavirus outbreak has shifted the way companies do business and, in many ways, required companies to seek new ways to help the people behind their brand connect with the people who use their products and services. We're thankful for the opportunity to partner with our clients to help them do this, and more!

As we head into November, and in the spirit of thankfulness we thought it would be a good time to spotlight some of our most recent new website launches!

Iowa State University Foundation Logo

Iowa State University Foundation: Move What Matters

"Be a part of something bigger. We're building a comunity of Iowa State supporters to advance the visionary people and projects that will transform our world."

When the Iowa State University Foundation needed a website to bring attention to projects that can change the world and provide a way for supporters to donate, they turned to their trusted partners at Global Reach. We provided a website that helps them dynamically highlight programs to help the global community move toward things like "Food for All" with next-generation innovation, and efforts to fight for "A Hunger Free World". The Move What Matters website also puts a spotlight on "on-the-ground projects" that help build sustainable communities in Uganda, and ways that brilliant minds at Iowa State are helping solve epic pandemic related problems.

This fresh, dynamic website draws visitors in and pulls them deeper into the stories, missions, and people who are helping reshape the world around them! The Foundation team also wanted to have the ability to measure the effectiveness of multiple strategic marketing efforts. The Global Reach team set up various tracking elements and custom URLs to measure traffic from various sources (email, social, texting, etc.) so that impact and reach of efforts could be measured in an effective and efficient way.

Montrose Health Center Logo

Montrose Health Center

"Montrose Health Center is where quality comes first!  Coupled with our comprehensive services and uplifting environment, Montrose Health Center is one of the areas most respected senior communities."

When Montrose Health Center needed a website that would allow administrators to continuously update the site with fresh information they turned to the expert web design team at Global Reach. The website needed to be mobile-friendly, user-friendly, and promote the friendly family atmosphere of Montrose Health Center.

To meet the needs of Montrose Health Center, Global Reach implemented SiteViz CMS to create a unique website that offered both front-end users and website administrators easy navigation, functionality, and an easy to use interface for interacting with one another through customized content. The website provides a responsive experience that looks great on any device, allows for testimonials to be prominently displayed, and invites users to reach out and connect with the Montrose Health Center team.

City of East Dubuque Logo

City of East Dubuque

"East Dubuque, peacefully situated between the Mississippi River and the surrounding high bluffs, boasts a fascinating and exciting history!"

When your city is built on a rich history, diverse cultures, and experiences with everything from speakeasies, Al Capone, "whiskey stills in the hills," and more, you need a website that is as enticing as your community is. Like many other unique government agencies and municipalities, the City of East Dubuque partnered with Global Reach to build a website that tells the story of the history of the city by the river, provides resources for the community members and city employees, information about events and volunteer opportunities, and much more.

The secure, responsive, and robust website provides citizens and community stakeholders with everything they need to communicate with city officials, their local public service workers, and various city services. Most importantly, the website demonstrates why the City of East Dubuque is a community anyone could fall in love with.

Be sure to check out these fine websites and to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information from Global Reach, subscribe to this blog!

If you’re interested in seeing what Global Reach can do for your website, reach out to set up a FREE initial consultation!

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