The Global Reach Social Media Team recently attended Social Brand Forum 2013 in Coralville, Iowa. Conference attendees learned about the latest tactics and trends in social media marketing, and were fascinated by the insightful and shrewd advice delivered by a panel of highly qualified industry professionals. The main takeaway from the conference was to “solve for the customer,” meaning that you should focus your marketing efforts on helping your current and potential customers.
“The key to social media is that it’s not about you,” said speaker Laura Fitton of HubSpot, a well-known marketing software company. Fitton proposed the following questions to the audience: Are your marketing efforts (ads, Twitter posts, newsletters, brochures, etc.) so good and so useful that your audience looks forward to receiving them? If not, what can you do to make your efforts more useful and better overall?
The idea of approaching each sales encounter with the mindset that you are educating the customer rather than selling to the customer was another main focus.
“Worry less about selling better, and worry more about teaching better,” said speaker Jay Baer, the New York Times best-selling author of Youtility: Why Smart Marketing is about Help not Hype.
Social Brand Forum is an annual conference organized and hosted by Brand Driven Digital, an online branding company out of Coralville, Iowa.