On June 15, after just two days of development, Global Reach launched a website for Governor Culver’s new economic initiative, I-JOBS. The program is administered through the Iowa Finance Authority (IFA) and is set to be an $830 million, three-year investment into Iowa's infrastructure. Graphic design and programming were done within 48 hours of receiving the request from IFA – allowing administrators to provide a competitive online grant application to website visitors, as well as requirements, facts, and resources.
“The I-JOBS website (www.ijobsiowa.gov) is a valuable resource for any Iowan who wants to know more about the initiative and how to access it,” said Bret Mills, Executive Director of the Iowa Finance Authority. “The site is updated continually and is a clearinghouse for the many programs that make up I-JOBS. It is comprehensive and easy to use.”
Global Reach also created an online application and scoring system for the Local Infrastructure Program of I-JOBS. These cutting-edge tools are designed to ensure a smooth process for program applicants and to allow members of the I-JOBS Review Committee to quickly and easily score applications.
“Global Reach’s role was to respond with immediacy and accuracy in executing this online resource,” said Nelson Akkutlu, Business Manager at Global Reach. “Launching it in two days was really a testament to effective communications between all parties and sophisticated development within our staff.”
About I-JOBS: Governor Culver's signature initiative, I-JOBS will strengthen Iowa's economy, help the state recover from the natural disasters of 2008, and preserve or create thousands of jobs. The $830 million three-year program includes several parts but focuses on the following key areas: public improvements, disaster recovery, transportation, rebuilding universities, environment and water quality, housing needs, telecommunications, and renewable energy. I-JOBS is funded with existing state gaming revenue, meaning no increase in taxes. More information about I-JOBS can be found at its website, located at www.ijobsiowa.gov
Iacovos Zachariades
Global Reach Internet Productions
Email: iacovos@globalreach.com