The Major Way You Might Be Failing at Customer Service
If you are a business owner, you probably take customer service very seriously. And rightly so; failure to pay attention to customer service would be looked at negatively by any measure, not to mention, guarantee a short lifespan for your business.
Back to Basics…
For the sake of an example, let’s look at a scenario where poor customer service was provided:
A customer dining at your restaurant has to ask the waiter 3 times for a glass of water before they finally receive it; then, it’s served to them in a cracked glass. Obviously, this kind of experience does not leave the customer with the impression that they are cared for. Feeling irrelevant and frustrated, many would choose to try a different restaurant the next time they dine out.
At this point, you’ve likely lost a customer, and it is our guess that if you had known about this experience, you'd make it a fast priority to identify the cause and address it.
“You’re preaching to the choir…”
We know what you are thinking. Of course you know what it means to provide good customer service. Hear us out, though. Ask yourself this: Do you make customer service a priority on your website?
If there is pause in your answer, you may be inadvertently failing on this front. If you are, know that you are not alone. It seems that many forget this notion when the context involves the online ‘storefront,’ a website.
Let’s Experiment!
Try navigating your website from your smartphone. How many steps and attempts do you have to make in order to navigate to the most important pages? Or make a purchase? Or complete a form? How fast are the pages loading? Are the buttons quickly responding to your finger taps and swipes?
What kind of overall experience are you providing to your users through your website?
It wouldn’t surprise us if you ran into a few frustrations along the way, especially if your website has not yet employed a responsive or mobile web design. As you can see, there seems to be some disconnect when it comes to providing excellent customer service through a website.
So Why Should You Care?
As a business owner, it is important that you ask yourself all of these questions and address all of these frustrations. If you care about good customer service, you should care about user experience, too. With mobile users quickly out-numbering desktop users, it’s important that you realize you have a new kind of customer to serve and your website will need to adapt to accommodate.
Good User Experience = Good Customer Service
It boils down to this: customer service is merely the non-digital equivalent to user experience - the “real-world” equivalent. So if your website fails to provide a pleasant experience, know that users will likely look for an alternative. Always remember, your website will never be immune to the restaurant scenario.