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Electric Cooperatives Find Value in Global Reach's Exclusive Outage Tool

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Global Reach is passionate about helping businesses, organizations, and even entire industries, do what they do, better – even if that means pioneering new ways of doing things. For Rural Electric Cooperative Associations promising reliable resources and data to their cooperative members, a dynamic website with up-to-date information is key in delivering. 

But outages are about as predictable as the weather, and cooperatives service large areas, managing many crews; with so many considerations to make and demands to meet, the execution of that promise through a single, cost-effective solution poses quite a challenge. 
Solutions that do currently exist are few and far between and usually leave much to be desired. These challenges have made for a fairly large hole in the marketplace, causing cooperatives to settle for less than ideal content management solutions. 

Not anymore! Introducing Global Reach’s Outage Map Tool, a solution made specifically to address the needs of cooperative members, while also mitigating obstacles that cause cooperatives to fall short of meeting those needs.  

Through integration of our outage tool, cooperatives are upping the ante on customer service, providing a mobile friendly hub where users can go to receive virtually concurrent information regarding an outage. Coops can plot outages in affected counties and member cooperatives on an interactive map. Visitors can hop on an outage website to learn about affected areas, weather forecasts, and additional information regarding their electrical cooperative - all in real-time. Members viewing an outage website are instantly connected with outage information as it pertains to them

From an administrative perspective, management is a dream; cooperative operators can easily manage information behind the scenes through the streamlined backend of their SiteViz Premier website. Outage reports, crew statuses, and more can all be coordinated and managed with a few quick clicks. 

Click on each of the below images to see a detailed screen capture of Global Reach's new outage tool!

Interested in Learning More About Global Reach’s Outage Map Tool?

No other tool has been able to serve members and cooperatives in a more comprehensive fashion.

Reach out to us today to schedule a demo!


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