Global Reach

EdgeWave User Manual

EdgeWave provides anti-spam, virus blocking, malware blocking, as well as email policy enforcement, and TLS encryption as part of our affordable on-demand protection. Your email is filtered through a stack of tests and categorized so you can apply policies that determine email disposition and assure that only secure email reaches your employee mailboxes. This means we don't filter just for spam. Your email is filtered into over 16 different categories, allowing you to designate disposition such as accept, markup, quarantine, block, and more.

Read the instructions below to review the features of EdgeWave.

Logging In

  1. Go to (Formerly:

  2. If this is your first time logging in you must click Click here to sign up under First time user?

    1. Enter your Email, enter a Password, and enter that password again to Confirm Password. A message with a verification link will be sent to the email address that was entered. 

    2. Click on the verification link in the message to confirm your access rights. Once that has been completed, you can log in with your email and password.

  3. If this is not your first time logging-in, enter your Email and Password.

*Click on the Click Here link under Forgot your password? to reset your password. Please note that the spam firewall system is separate from the email system. Changing one password does not affect the other.

Login view:

log in page for the spam firewall dashboard

Important Notes About The Spam Digest (Spam Quarantine Notifications)

  1. You can adjust the frequency of the Spam Digest to Daily (default), Weekly, or Never in your Personal Dashboard settings.

  2. The column labeled Category indicates the category describing the message and possibly identifying why it was quarantined (for example: Spam, Virus, and Phish).

  3. Messages are automatically deleted after 35 days.

  4. A user has the ability to receive one Spam Digest for multiple email addresses on the same system.  Simply forward this request to, including the primary mailboxes and each of the alias addresses you want to combine.

Spam Digest View:

Below is a preview of the Spam Digest that you would receive in your email. This acts as a summary to notify you of any emails caught in the SPAM filter.
preview of spam digest

Releasing Emails

Emails that have been filtered as SPAM emails, will be held in either Inbound Quarantine or Outbound Quarantine inside the Messages tab.

  1. Inbound Quarantine: keeps messages that were sent to you.
  2. Outbound Quarantine: keeps messages that were sent by you.

image of dashboard, highlighting inbound and outbound images

How to Release an Inbound Quarantine Message

  1. Select Inbound Quarantine to view all messages in the Inbound Quarantine.
  2. To release a single message, click on the desired email’s row. This row should highlight blue like in the image below.
    image of dashboard showing how to release emails
  3. Click Release.  You will be prompted with the Release Confirmation box.
    image of confirmation box
    In order to prevent future emails from this sender being sent to your quarantine, check the box for “Modify my friends, enemies, or other filter settings.” and click OK.
  4. If you check the box for “Modify my friends, enemies, or other filter settings.”, then you will be prompted with the Release Wizard box.
    image of release wizard tool;
    Select a sender to add to your Friends List by clicking the email address, highlighting the row.
    1. To make multiple selections, hold the “Ctrl” key and click to make your selections.
    2. Click Finish. This will save your selections, add the selected emails to your friends list, and close the dialog box.
  5. Now, you will be returned to the dashboard. The dashboard will show the date and time that the email was released from the SPAM email quarantine.

Please follow the same process for Outbound Quarantine Emails.

Managing the Friends and Enemies List

Adding a Whitelist (Friend) Entry

The Friends whitelist contains email addresses and domains of those individuals and organizations that you trust. Only add an entry to the Friends whitelist if the sender sends you spam that you actually want to receive. To add an entry to the Friends whitelist:

  1. Sign in to the Spam Firewall.

  2. Click on the Policies tab.

  3. Enter an email address and click the green + button.

  4. To remove a Friends entry, select the email address and click the red X button.

Enemies (Blacklist) are addresses and domains that you do not want to receive further email from. If you are trying to stop receiving messages from a newsletter, always try unsubscribing first. The Enemies (Blacklist) should be used sparingly. If you need to add an entry to the Enemies (Blacklist) you can follow the same procedure below the Friends area.


  1. Spam Digests are generated around midnight in the time zone specified in the preferences. To receive the Digests at a different time, try adjusting the time zone settings. Setting the time zone to Asia/Dubai will result in Spam Digest delivery at around 3:30 PM Central Time.

  2. Defining Friends (whitelist) or Enemies (blacklist) allow our clients to dictate emails that should automatically be sent to the email inbox or be permanently blocked. These lists override default behaviors and clients could unintentionally allow spam or block legitimate mail so please use this functionality sparingly.

  3. Too much stuff in your Spam Digest? The default action is to quarantine messages from bots, viruses, and high-confidence spam. Adjusting the settings in the Personal Dashboard to block instead of quarantine these categories, decreasing the amount of messages that get quarantined. However, messages that get blocked are not retrievable.

  4. Want to receive more mail? Instead of quarantining messages, allow the messages to be marked up and delivered. This will append a tag, such as ‘SPAM’, to the subject line of the message.

  5. The virus category should always be blocked.

  6. Having trouble clicking links within the Digest's email? Try making sure you are viewing the message with HTML on.

  7. Settings for each email domain can be customized to the client's needs. Upon request, certain options can be locked and/or hidden from the user's view. For example, it is possible to hide virtually all settings but still allow users to just manage their spam quarantined messages.

  8. The Spam Digest email sends from Adding that email address to your contact list will help prevent your mail program from sending those messages to your junk folder. Remember, if you would rather not receive the Spam Digest email, you can unsubscribe. You can also choose to receive the Spam Digest weekly rather than daily.

Reporting Spam

Has spam email made it through to your inbox? No anti-spam system is perfect, so some spam getting through is normal. Read about how to mark spam emails.

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