Global Reach

Q. How do I add a signature to my SmarterMail account?

To add or edit a signature for your email do the following:

1. Login to SmarterMail

2. Click on the toolbox icon.

3. From the dropdown, select Settings.

4. Click Signatures in the left sidebar.

5. On this page, you can add a new Signature by clicking the box + New Signature or to edit click a previously made signature.

6. A new box will open with the following options for you to enter or edit:

  • Name: Enter a label for the signature.
  • Body: Enter what you would like your signature to be.
  • Delete: For previously created signatures you will have an option to delete them. That button will appear next to Cancel.

7. Click Save in the box when you are finished.


For more information, visit SmarterMail's Online Help section on the topic.

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