To add an account using Outlook 2016:
1. While in Outlook, select the File menu and choose the Info tab.
2. Select the Add Account button.
3. A new window should appear. Enter your email address, click Advanced Options, and then check Let me set up my account manually.
4. Click Connect.
5. In the next window, select POP from the available account types.
5. Enter your account information:
Incoming Mail:
a. Server:
b. Port: 995
c. This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS): Checked.
d. Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): Unchecked.
Outgoing Mail:
a. Server:
b. Port: 465
c. Encryption method: SSL/TLS
d. Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): Unchecked.
Message Delivery:
a. Use an existing data file: Unchecked.
6. Click Connect.
7. In the new window, enter your User Name and Password. Outlook may ask for the password again, if so enter it again.
8. Check the Save this password in your password list box, then click OK.
You should now be setup to receive and send email with your Global Reach email via Outlook. If you have any trouble with this process, please contact Global Reach Support at