Global Reach launched an interactive website for Farmers Cooperative, the largest farmer-owned local agriculture cooperative in Iowa. Farmers Cooperative serves over 5,800 members and handles over 118 million bushels of grain per year.
“Farmers Cooperative had a vision of what they wanted their site to accomplish,” said Iacovos Zachariades, President of Global Reach. “We were able to take that vision and design a site that would be beneficial to them and their users.”
The website,, was created with a variety of features that would benefit the user. Some of the features include: an interactive map that allows users to find and contact a facility near them; a weather feed that allows users to check the weather in their home area; a news feed that displays updated agriculture news; and it allows users to sign up for a daily market commentary, which automatically e-mails each subscriber a market outlook report. Through the site, farmers are also able to register to view agriculture news, weather forecasts, and market prices to their mobile phone.
“When analyzing the usage patterns of visitors to the website, we found that farmers want to be able to easily access weather, news and market information,” said Dale Bentlage, vice president for business development of Global Reach. “The new Farmers Cooperative website displays this information on its homepage and is continually updated throughout the day.”
The website also includes a recruiting area. The recruiting area allows Farmers Cooperative to list upcoming jobs within each of their facilities and it allows visitors to apply electronically for each of these positions. These applications are then e-mailed to the appropriate party within Farmers Cooperative.
About Farmers Cooperative: Farmers Cooperative is the largest farmer-owned local agriculture cooperative in Iowa, and has its cooperate headquarters located in Farnhamville, Iowa. Farmers Cooperative serves over 5,800 members in its trade territory of 1,400,000 acres. Farmers Cooperative was founded by the board of directors of the Farmers Cooperative Company in 1944. Farmers Cooperative continues to grow and do for farmers what farmers cannot economically do for themselves.
Iacovos Zachariades
Global Reach Internet Productions