Global Reach

ENGAGE: Global Reach Engage | July 2013

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Issued July 25, 2013

Search engines like help when they are indexing and populating your website’s information, and an XML Sitemap can do just that. Sitemaps provide search engines with a list of the pages on a website, giving them a guide to its structure. Search engines use Sitemap data to learn about a website's structure and to improve their crawler schedule, which can give your website a leg up when it comes to search engine results pages. By submitting a Sitemap, you are making it as easy as possible for search engines to find your web content

Read More on Improve Your Website Traffic with an XML Sitemap

We throw a lot of web development and design terms around at Global Reach. While it is our job to know these terms, it is not our job to create confusion for the customer, who might not know what we're talking about. We realize that the lingo we use can seem like an entirely different language to those outside of the web industry. In an effort to minimize confusion and break down the communication barrier, we've compiled and defined eight terms that we think you should know.

Read More on 8 Web Design and Development Terms You Should Know
Congratulations to the following organizations for recently launching a new website! American Woodcrafters Supply Co Amson Technology Ardenwoods LCS Campbell’s Nutrition Green Future Distributors Jokir's Wild Lessing-Flynn Midwest Industrial Components Minnesota Apple Growers Association Newcastle Place LCS Stetson Building Products TMG Management Wimmer Farms


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