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ENGAGE: Global Reach Engage | January 2014

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Issued January 21, 2014

For all of you gutsy social media marketers, a new year means it is time to make some social media resolutions! In the world of social media, finding new ways to improve and expand on your social media strategy is never a difficult task. Social landscapes change and new platforms are emerging all the time, leaving plenty of work for us to do. So, what kinds of resolutions should you have for your social media strategy this year? Here are a few of our own ideas that will hopefully motivate and inspire you. Check out our 2014 social media resolutions.

Read More on 5 Social Media Resolutions for 2014

With the advent of a new year comes a series of reviews and resolutions that range from personal goals to workplace objectives, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not an exception. Since countless updates are rolled out on an ongoing basis, keeping up with best practices is essential for success. At the dawn of 2014, these are the main ranking factors to keep in mind.

Read More on SEO Update for 2014

January means the start of a brand new year and with it comes resolutions to do better. Most people make resolutions to quit bad habits like eating too much junk food and not exercising enough, but what about also kicking out your tech-related bad habits, especially those that relate to personal security? Here are 6 terrible tech habits you should vow to kick in 2014.

Read More on 6 Terrible Tech Habits to Kick in 2014

Congratulations to the following organizations for recently launching a new website with Global Reach!

Stonehill Franciscan Services
Iowa Poison Control Center
The Greater Des Moines Partnership

Read More on Recently Launched Websites | January 2014


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