ENGAGE: Global Reach Engage | May 2013
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The #hashtag - you either love it, hate it, or you have no idea what we are talking about. You might think it is just a fad or a trend, or perhaps you even hope for its demise. Well, we have some news for you…it is not going anywhere, at least not anytime soon. Businesses and marketers have discovered far too much value in this little crosshatch. The number of ways in which people can make the hashtag work for their brand or business is impressive. So, since it is here to stay, we’ve outlined several ways you can (and should) utilize the hashtag in order to reap the many benefits Twitter has to offer.
Read More on How to Make the Most of Twitter's #HashtagIf you have a website, you may have heard about SEO or Search Engine Optimization. These terms refer to the strategies used to help websites have better rankings on Search Engine Results Pages (aka SERPs), therefore making them easier to find through online searches. While SEO is part of Internet Marketing, it is relevant to pretty much every aspect of a website and has an impact on the User Experience (aka UX).
In the complex world of SEO there are many details to keep in mind at all times, and the internet provides a wealth of information on the topic. Unfortunately, the ever changing nature of SEO makes some practices become obsolete or even unacceptable over time. With that in mind, we've put together a top-ten list of the most important and up-to-date SEO "do’s and don’ts" to consider when working on your online strategy.
Read More on The Top 10 "Do's and Don'ts" of SEOFor security reasons, most email hosting companies require that your email passwords be complex. They set up criteria calling for an 8 character minimum, using a mix of upper and lowercase letters, and requiring the use of numbers within the password. These are all great ways to improve password security – unless you are using leetspeak.
Leetspeak, or “leet” for short, is a type of online jargon in which a computer user replaces regular letters with other keyboard characters to form words phonetically. For example, if your password is ‘wireless,’ a leetspeak version of your password could be, ‘w1r3l3$$.’ In the example, ‘I’ was replaced with the number one, ‘e’ was replaced with the number three, and ‘s’ was replaced with the dollar sign. Leetspeak is a common way people can incorporate the above guidelines, while still keeping their passwords simple to remember. Sounds like the perfect way to create a password which is easy to remember and secure, right? Wrong. Click here to find out how and why using Leetspeak is actually making your passwords weaker.
Read More on How Using Leetspeak Makes Passwords Weak