Posted on 05/10/2017 at 08:00 AM
As you browse the web in search of products, services, or resources, you’ve probably seen examples of social proof being used. It can take many forms, from product ratings and reviews to displaying the number of comments or social shares any given piece of content has received. Put simply, social proof can involve any tactic aimed at “proving” the value of a product, service or resource in an effort to influence users to become members, customers or subscribers. The term can be applied broadly, as social proof strategies are only as limited as your creativity. So how can you use it to your advantage?
Are you interested in leveraging social proof on your website? We can help! In addition to the social proof features that can be enabled within our SiteViz content management system, (like reviews and ratings or testimonials) our design and internet marketing teams can also help you determine the best way to effectively display social proof on your website. Contact us today to get the conversation started!
Categories: Content Marketing and Sales, Social Media