Posted on 03/28/2019 at 09:35 AM
In June 2004, Iacovos Zachariades, President and CEO of Global Reach Internet Productions, published an article in B2B Insights entitled “Is Your Website Really Secure?” In this article, he explains the importance of having a properly installed SSL certificate for all websites.
This article proved to be a sign of things to come as 15 years later, encrypting your website with HTTPS is as important as ever, and has become the new norm in website development. For example, Google is reporting that over 80 of the top 100 websites now use HTTPS by default.
Further proof of the importance of encryption is that the Google Chrome browser has been displaying HTTP pages as “Not secure” in the navigation bar itself.
For an in-depth explanation of how an SSL certificate works and how it benefits your business, the team at Global Reach has composed this helpful video:
Since 1995, Global Reach Internet Productions has been helping clients resolve issues related to website development, hosting, design and internet marketing.
If your website is not secure or you have a question about obtaining an SSL certificate, don’t hesitate to contact a specialist today.
Categories: Safety and Security